15 June 2013

A Thought-provoking Quote

     It's been awhile since I posted a quote, so I suppose it's time I did so.  I'm doing an essay on communism in Russia for school, and as I was doing so, I came across this quote by Vladimir Lenin.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

I think this is really a very frightening quote, because of the truth in it. And yet, it's not entirely true; the lie seems to become the truth, and yet it remains a lie. It is believed to be a truth, but that will never change the fact that it is a lie, and cannot be otherwise. This, I think, is one of the sad truths of communism. The people are told lies over and over again, until the lies become truths in their minds. And then they keep on blindly believing in the lies that have been masked as truths. It's a sinister, and grim, and contemptible thing.

14 June 2013

Guess the Function Winner

     And now, ladies and gentlemen . . . the winner . . . of Guess the Function . . .

*Trumpet fanfare*


Here's her function for the examples I gave:

Here's what I came up with

If the last name contains double letters assign to Green

If the last name ends with "e" then assign to Red

If the last name follows neither function then assign to Orange

The only problem with this is where she says: "follows neither function."  Actually, Noreen, this is all just one function. :)  I think a better way to put that would be: "follows neither rule."  And now, as the band strikes up "The Throne Room" from Star Wars, I present Noreen with an imaginary laurel wreath.

You may have noticed that she received a laurel wreath, not a trophy; the reason being that her function was not the same one I was thinking of.  Here's my own function for these examples:  If the person's last name has five letters, assign them to Red.  If their last name has six letters, assign them to Orange.  And if their last name has a different number of letters than five or six, assign them to Green. :)

I apologize that it's taken me so long to post the winner of Guess the Function.  I'll try to do better next time!

03 June 2013

A Funny Video

     I found this video a while ago, and I don't know why I didn't post it sooner.  This is hilarious!  Enjoy! :)