07 May 2013

Aaaand Another Tag

     I have been tagged once again, by HyperLinkzer.  The reason I didn't do it sooner is that, as I've mentioned before, I'm Greek Orthodox, and our Easter (which is the greatest holiday of the whole year for us) fell on May 5 this year.  That meant that last week was Holy Week, which in turn meant that I was extremely busy (we have 10 church services in one week).  Add that to the schoolwork that I had to do the first half of the week, and I hope you'll understand why it's taken me so long to do this tag.

1.  I love reading bits of The Lord of the Rings while simultaneously listening to the track from the film score that corresponds to the part in the book I am reading.  (Wow, that sounded a lot less complicated in my head. . . .)  I think my favourite is reading the chapter "The Field of Cormallen" while listening to the track "The Return of the King". :)

2.  Pretty much the only way I like coffee is with lots of milk and sugar.  Lattes are good, too, though.

3.  I like to cook and bake.

4.  I got to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on the day it came out. :D

5.  I will be seeing Iron Man 3 soon. :)

6.  I just got new headphones.  They're awesome!

7.  I love asparagus.  And eggplant.  And onions.  And broccoli.  And . . . actually, I love pretty much any vegetable besides okra, raw green bell peppers, and sometimes kale.

8.  I went on a four-mile walk with my family this morning.  We saw a baby squirrel. :)

9.  I'm listening to the 2cellos cover of Viva La Vida right now.

10.  I like doing calligraphy.

Well, it seems I am done.  I shall not be tagging anyone.