20 April 2013


     Well, Taisia (http://ablogofmusicstoriesandart.blogspot.ca/) has tagged me...please bear with me, this is the first time I've done this.  I'm supposed to state ten random things about myself.  Here goes!

1.  I absolutely love music!
2.  I absolutely love reading!  
3.  I love maps--especially old ones.
4.  I dislike math, but I like reciting the quadratic formula.
5.  Tolkien and LOTR are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6.  I can write in the Feanorian script.
7.  If someone handed me a big bowl of fish chowder at six in the morning, I'd happily eat it.  Fish is delicious!
8.  Though I've been told I'm completely insane, I actually like the music of Stravinsky.
9.  I've translated the Tears for Fears song "Mad World" (actually, just the chorus--I couldn't get the verses to fit the metre) into Latin.
10.  Hardingfeles are awesome.

Snip, snap, snout, this tale's told out.  That's all, folks!


  1. Answered your tag: http://hyperlinkzer.blogspot.com/2013/04/and-another-tag.html

  2. yep! all true:) I still can't see how you can eat canned fish like you do;)
