Well, it's certainly been a while...hopefully nobody declared me dead and auctioned off my belongings.
Anyways, it's now been...um, a long time...since Taisia Tinuviel nominated me for the
1. How many languages can you speak? One. English. But I'm learning two more (Latin and ancient Greek).
2. What is your favourite genre to write (and if you don't write, to read...or both)? Hmm... I'd probably have to say fantasy (the kind with more evil tyrants and less dragons and magic).
3. How many books do you think you've read? I honestly have no idea. Multi libri.
4. Do you like reading (don't say no...)? No. I LOVE it! ;)
5. Who are your top five favourite authors? Hmm, hard question...I'm not going to put them in order, but C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Howard Pyle, Madeline L'Engle, and George MacDonald.
6. When do you get your best ideas for stories? Often when I'm doing the dishes. There's something about staring into space while soapy water runs over your hands that really sparks the imagination.
7. What kind of music do you like to listen to most when you read? Usually something quietish and imaginative (LotR soundtracks, Enya, Nightnoise, etc.). A touch of Celtic influence is welcome.
8. Are you excited for The Desolation of Smaug? ARE YOU KIDDING?!?! *Ahem* Yes.
9. What is you favourite TV show? I have many, but I really really like Sherlock. And Doctor Who. And Foyle's War. And Once Upon a Time. And...okay, I'll stop now.
10. What is the strangest book you've ever read? Well, The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket is very weird (weird enough that I never read the rest of the series). But so is That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis, though in a different way. And The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White is also rather quirky.
Okay, looks like I'm done! I might post something in the next few lightyears, but I'm not promising anything.
Here endeth this post.
You are seriously learning Latin and ancient Greek! That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis was weird, but also really good.